On Sunday, December 18, 2016, Jordan introduced the new Impact Groups for 2017. These groups are designed to encourage all of us to impact our neighbors the way someone impacted us with the word of God.
In the above video, Jordan outlines the structure of each impact group and the roles and opportunities available to each group member. The document Jordan references throughout the video is below.
Impact Group Service Opportunity Descriptions
Guest Relations
Job: Greeter
Staffing Need: 2 @ 8am service // 2 @ 10am Service // 1 @ 5pm service.
Time Required: 30 minutes prior to service and throughout entire assigned service.
Greeter Purpose: To greet each person that walks into the building BY NAME and hand each person a copy of the bulletin for the upcoming service. Greeters / Ushers will need to be up to date on everyone’s name possible and be prepared to learn the names that they do not already know. When a guest is identified the Greeter is expected to meet the guest, learn the guest name, and find out if the guest is looking for a particular person. If the guest is looking for a particular person, the Greeter will assist the guest in locating that person. If the guest is not looking for a specific person, the Greeter is expected to introduce the guest to a host family.
Supplies Needed: Announcement Sheets, 10 Member Cards & 3 Visitor Cards.
Goal: Greet Everyone BY NAME, hand out bulletins, and introduce guest to host family.
*Greeters assist Ushers once the service starts
Assisting Usher Purpose: Assist late arriving members and guests in obtaining seating IN THE AUDITORIUM. This will include asking people to scoot in or over other people to ensure that everyone has a seat. Greeter will also direct people to the nursery area and introduce the nursery staff if needed during worship.
Assisting Usher Goal: Seat everyone IN THE AUDITORIUM and handle in-service needs.
Job: Host Family
Staffing Need: 2-3 @ 8am service // 5-7 @ 10am service
Time Required: 20 minutes prior to assigned service and throughout entire guest visit.
Host Family Purpose: To receive a guest from greeter, sit with them and their family during the worship service, assist them in filling out a guest card or obtain their contact information on a more personal level, show them through the building if applicable, and invite them out to breakfast or lunch depending on which service you are assigned to and report the information to an elder in your group before or after the Sunday evening service to determine an appropriate follow up plan.
Supplies Needed: A Great Attitude
Host Goal: To meet guest, get to know guest, obtain guest contact information and create with guest follow up plan with your Impact Group Elder.
Edification / Benevolence
Job: Needs Team
*Elders / Deacons / Staff Members to be coordinators
Staffing Need: 10-15 Families (not necessarily active at the same time or assigned to the same individual).
Time Required: Varied based on members in hospital or family emergencies
Staff Member Purpose: To relay applicable information to elder or deacon coordinator.
Coordinators Purpose: Assess the scope and length of potential hospital visit. Contact the applicable number of families necessary and update them on situation and assign duties. For example: Hospital Visits, Meals Prepared, cards to be mailed etc.
Members Purpose: Complete the assigned task given by the coordinator and relay any pertinent information back to the coordinator or staff member.
Job: Shut-In/Seniors Team
*Elders / Deacons / Staff Members to be coordinators
Staffing Need: 10-15 Families (really the more the merrier)
Time Required: Varied based on assigned duty.
Shut-In Coordinator: Make sure that every Shut-In in the Impact Group has a Shut-In Team Leader and team around them.
Shut-In Team Leader Purpose: Adopt and see to a Shut In. Minimum expectation would be one contact per week with assigned shut in with a minimum of one in person visit per month.
Shut-In Team Member: Assist Shut-In Team Leader with assigned duties (send a card, make a meal, visit, make a phone call etc.) as assigned.
Job: Prayer Team
Staffing Need: 1 Coordinator; 3 Members (the more the better)
Time Required: Varied based on assigned need.
Prayer Coordinator: Collect and distribute prayer requests across the impact group, particularly to prayer team members who have made the specific commitment to pray for matters as they are requested. Work with coordinators in other groups to schedule quarterly prayer breakfast.
Prayer Team Member: Receive prayer requests from coordinator with a commitment to pray faithfully and diligently.
Job: Attendance Team
Staffing Need: 1 Coordinator; 3 Members
Time Required: 5-10 Minutes each Monday, along with a varied amount of time dependent upon related phone calls made.
Attendance Coordinator: Will receive a report from the office each Monday listing those who did not fill out attendance cards on Sunday. The coordinator distributes this list to the team, and the members then correct the report, noting those that they did see. The coordinator is responsible for sending the updated list back to the office, noting any who need to be added to the elders’ list. The coordinator is responsible for splitting follow-up phone calls amongst himself and the team.
Attendance Team Member: Review attendance report each Monday and call to check on members that were, in fact, absent.
*Absentees should be added to the elder list after three consecutive absences.
Job: Friend
Staffing Need: As many as possible
Time Required: Varied based on relationship
Friend Purpose: Identify members who may need encouragement and or assistance with various task such as getting to and from services, someone to sit with at church, or may just need someone to take an interest in them and their situation.
Supplies Needed: A Heart
“If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies, Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through strife of vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.” ~ Phillipians 2:1-4 KJV