There are times in a Christian’s life to heed the words of the Psalmist “Be Still and Know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). In this stillness we worship. In this silence we pray. We study. We contemplate in reverence our awesome Creator.

This being said, there are also times in the Christian walk where we represent discipleship. We get up and follow Jesus. This takes action! Christians In Action (CIA) is a Thursday morning Bible class for women and men of the Deerfoot Church of Christ. This class follows the regular school year and gives way to the events of the summer calendar. The ladies are taught by Donna McCurry, one of our Elder’s wives. The men are taught by Richard Harp our pulpit minister.

Following the class, we write cards and also deliver meals that have been prepared by our members for our shut-ins. We are simply trying to be Christians in action.