Mission Sunday and the Youth Campaigns
By Tim Shoemaker The youth of the Woodlawn/Roebuck Parkway and now Deerfoot church have been involved in campaign work beginning back in 1986 when a number of our young people …
By Tim Shoemaker The youth of the Woodlawn/Roebuck Parkway and now Deerfoot church have been involved in campaign work beginning back in 1986 when a number of our young people …
Through the years we have received numerous requests for help on mission trips. As part of our policy we have limited our help to those involved in the teaching or …
On their website, Apologetics Press gives their history as follows: “In the late 1970s, there was a need to make available more scripturally sound and scientifically accurate materials in the …
By Tim Shoemaker Truth for Today World Mission School in Searcy, Arkansas, is a multi-faceted non-profit organization dedicated to world evangelism. Directed by Eddie Cloer, a professor of Bible and …
By Tim Shoemaker At the present time, the church here at Deerfoot is supporting three works in the nation of Belize. We are supporting two full-time ministers: Melvin Davis in …
On May 7, Mission Sunday, all the money given will be used to support our congregation’s mission works. Thanks to the generous contribution given last year we have been able …
By Tim Shoemaker For the past two weeks we have been discussing the work of the church and the impact it has on the church. We have talked about benevolence …
By Tim Shoemaker The word “edification” is from the Greek word oikodome which denotes the act of building. It is a compound word oikos (house) and demo (to build) and …
By Tim Shoemaker The meaning of benevolence is the “disposition to do good; kindliness; any act of kindness.” This is one of the things that God has always required of …